Tuesday, March 4, 2014

7 Ways To Keep Your Dog Hydrated

The scorching heat of summer surely affects us in many ways- we sweat, we easily get tired and we get thirsty. That's why we drink water, fruit juices or energy drinks to re-hydrate ourselves. But this is not the case for dogs, most of the time during exercises and activities they forget that it's time to hydrate themselves and oftentimes, this could be a challenging task for us dog parents. Here are some creative ways and how to keep our dogs hydrated.

  1. Make sure your dog drinks before a walk or an activity. 
  2. Take water and a frisbee to use as a water bowl on outings.
  3. Give ice cubes as treats.
  4. Put ice cubes in the water bowl.
  5. Put more than one bowl of water out in another location.
  6. Put a treat in the bottom of the water bowl.
  7. Play water games while teaching to drink from the hose.

As we have so many activities lined up this summer (fun runs, fairs, fashion shows and so much more!), we must always keep in mind the safety and well-being of our dogs at all times.

Source: Examiner.com

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