Friday, February 28, 2014

Summer Safety Tips

Summertime has officially begun! While we are already planning our vacation and the fun activities that we'll be doing with our families, friends and furry friends, let us not forget that our dogs may require some special needs during this season!

Here are some of the top summer tips that could help us in having a worry-free and fun summer with our dogs!

1. Exercise or have your daily walks early in the morning or late at night, since these are the cooler parts of the day. The temperature is comfortable enough for you and your dogs and maybe you can lessen the intensity of your exercise at this time of the year!

2. Watch out for signs of dehydration. These could be seen through the following; they could be lethargic, eyes will be bloodshot and appear a little pale and the skin loses its elasticity.

3. Keep them hydrated! Dogs need water and hydration support supplements will really help in keeping them well-hydrated during this coming hot days.

4. Find creative ways to cool your dog. Keeping the air conditioning unit or fans on 24/7 will really be costly so you can either make them a cool or icy treat to keep them cool and hydrated during the summer months!

5. Dogs cool from bottom up. Make sure you mist or wipe their paws and stomach with a wet towel as well as their whole body.

6. Never leave your dog in a parked car even if it's on a shade as cars retain more heat plus it can cause stress and panic to your dog when you leave them in a very small closed area.

7. Make this an excuse to try out different water activities with your dogs, but keep in mind their safety especially when you take them to the beach!

Don't let the temperature hinder you and your pooches in having a grand time but make sure that you keep them safe, healthy and secure the whole time!

Pro Dog-a-Holic has a lot of summer activities lined up for all its members so stay tuned and hope to see you and your furry little friends there! 

Source: Cesar's Way 

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